• Step One – Initial Inquiry
    • Fill out the form on my Contact page, or send an email to me to initiate the process.
    • Tell me what service(s) you’re interested in.
  • Step Two – Free 15-minute Consultation Call
    • I will schedule a brief call to discuss your project, timeline, and expectations.
  • Step Three – Proposal
    • I will send a Proposal including Scope of Services, timeline, and your custom quote, along with an invoice for the nonrefundable Deposit (50% of total project fee).
  • Step Four – Executed Proposal & Deposit
    • Return an executed copy of the proposal, along with the Deposit, and I will get started on your project.
  • Step Five – Deliverables
    • When my work is complete, I will send a preview of the final product, along with your Final Invoice.
    • Once I receive final payment, I will send Deliverables to you.

Ready to work together? Me too! Click the button below and let’s get started on your next SUCCESS!